The SFVA project, located on the edge of the San Francisco peninsula, is a seismic upgrade to its Medical Campus to include outpatient clinical, and mental health facilities, office and administrative spaces, and laboratories. The buildings will be retrofitted to meet the current life safety and seismic standards. Newly implemented efficient building systems will reconfigure the interior spaces to support their new functional relationships and requirements.
A new four-story research laboratory will be constructed, appropriately sheltered from natural and man-made hazards, to permit the Medical Campus to continue its invaluable research efforts. The flexible and efficient lab spaces will be arranged in a simple rectangular configuration, away from shafts and major utility risers. Shared communal space for meetings, break areas, and alternative building entrances will be strategically arranged in a compact light-filled atrium to encourage and allow gathering, interaction, and collaboration. Connectivity to the remainder of the Medical Campus will allow researchers that also serve clinical roles to move seamlessly between research and clinical spaces.