francesca oliveira

Francesca Oliveira


Principal - Technical Design

San Francisco

francesca oliveira

Focused on solutions to decarbonize the built environment, Francesca champions and implements a holistic approach to sustainability. She has led projects ranging from civic buildings to skyscrapers in the United States and overseas. 

As a technical architect and educator, Francesca has a curiosity and determination that are contagious. She brings a deep knowledge of the material and technical history of architecture to her practice, whether engaged in conceptual thinking, detailing, or in-the-field implementation.

A specialist in high-performance design and strategic programming, Francesca consistently generates practical solutions that expand our capacity for environmental resilience. Committed to synthesizing building science with elements of enduring vernacular architecture, she has achieved significant reductions in both embodied and operational carbon in her projects.

Architecture is a gateway to the ideals of the institution it serves, expressed in the careful craft of experience and built with purpose. A commitment to serve is at the forefront, whether I’m listening to client’s goals, or resolving technical details that reduce the project’s carbon footprint.

Francesca is known for energizing design charrettes with prompts to build with materials and systems that reduce impact on the environment. Outside of the studio, she frequently shares her knowledge and enthusiasm at conferences and university lectures in the belief in fostering the next generation of innovators in architecture.

Francesca holds a faculty position at the Academy of Art University’s School of Architecture in San Francisco; serves on the Board of Directors for the Center of Architecture and Design, San Francisco; and is the 2023-2024 President of AIA San Francisco.

Selected Work
