
Thomas Hussey to Speak at Launch of MAS Context Issue on Bilbao

On Wednesday, April 19th, SOM Director of Urban Design + Planning Thomas Hussey will join a panel discussion hosted by MAS Context, a Chicago-based urbanism journal. The event marks the release of MAS Context’s thirty-first issue, which explores the development of Bilbao, Spain, before and after the construction of the Frank Gehry-designed Guggenheim Museum. The issue includes an interview with John Zils, SOM Associate Partner Emeritus, who served as a structural engineer for the Guggenheim Bilbao.

The panel discussion, themed “Bilbao and Chicago,” will be led by MAS Context editor in chief Iker Gil, with Hussey and MarySue Barrett, President of the Chicago Metropolitan Planning Council, participating.

MAS Context: Bilbao Issue Launch

April 19, 2017
6:00 p.m.

Instituto Cervantes Auditorium
31 W. Ohio Street
Chicago, Illinois

Free and open to the public. RSVP required.