The University Center at The New School has been selected as one of 13 winners in the Urban Land Institute’s (ULI) 2017-2018 Global Awards for Excellence. The winning projects—?eight in the United States, two in Canada, one in Europe, and two in Asia—?were selected for demonstrating innovative approaches to design and development.
“Each of these winners demonstrates a thoughtful, innovative approach to urban development that is adding to the sustainability and livability of the communities in which they are located,” noted jury chair Wendy Rowden?. “The attention paid to project detail, flexible design, and neighborhood context were among the factors making these entries stand out. They represent the type of development that will withstand the tests of time and change.”
Prior to the announcement of this year’s winners, the ULI announced a shortlist. In addition to the University Center at The New School, The Kathleen Grimm School for Leadership and Sustainability at Sandy Ground was included on the shortlist.