Taylor Street Apartments and Little Italy Branch Library has won an Urban Land Institute (ULI) Americas Award for Excellence. This year, 68 projects and programs from across the Americas region were submitted for the competition and 10 projects were awarded by the jury. The winners of the ULI Americas Awards for Excellence become finalists for the 2022 ULI Global Awards for Excellence, competing against projects from Europe and Asia. ULI will announce the winners of the Global Awards ahead of the organization’s Fall Meeting in October.
One of the city’s first co-located Chicago Housing Authority and Public Libraries, the 89,000 sqm development includes a one-story public library and a multi-story mixed income residential complex, with additional community spaces at street level. Positioned prominently at the corner of the site, the Little Italy Branch Library welcomes the community inside, with soaring open spaces designed for kids, teenagers, and adults located adjacent to centralized work spaces for librarians and staff.