The Whole Life Carbon Roadmap project is a dynamic effort aiming to decarbonize the built environment in the UK. Together with nine European Green Building Committees, the UK Green Building Council (UKGBC)’s initiative is a part of the WorldGBC’s #BuildingLife, a project that aims to create a common vision and drive national roadmaps to reach net-zero across the construction industry.
SOM, with its interdisciplinary experience in sustainable development and adaptive reuse, was invited to co-lead the Retrofit Commercial Task Group. Represented by Mina Hasman, Associate Director and Sustainability Lead, the team will identify key technical carbon reduction approaches required for achieving net-zero carbon in existing commercial and public buildings by critically appraising the industry and government outputs, outlining key steps for monitoring against trajectories, and reviewing market drivers, as well as regulatory reforms.
“80% of the buildings we will occupy in 2050 already exist today. Retrofitting existing buildings to be net-zero carbon is, therefore, critical for accelerating the decarbonization of the built environment – and providing the scale of impact we need to achieve” says Hasman.
Initiated in April 2021, the project will officially launch in November at the COP26 proposing a comprehensive action plan to reach net-zero in key areas of construction, operation and renovation of buildings and infrastructure.