
Keith Boswell and Mark Sarkisian to Speak at Symposium on Tall Buildings

On Wednesday, November 4th, SOM Technical Partner Keith Boswell and Structural and Seismic Engineering Partner Mark Sarkisian will speak at the Second Sino-U.S. Symposium on Tall Buildings in Shanghai. Some of the most influential Chinese architects and structural engineers on tall buildings will gather at this daylong event to exchange ideas with their U.S. counterparts.

Organized by the China International Exchange Committee of Tall Buildings, along with SOM, Tongji University, the East China Architectural Design and Research Institute, and Tongji Architectural Design Group, the event will cover a wide range of topics that impact tall building design and construction in China, including urban context, sustainability, cost-effectiveness, and new technologies. 

From 9:15-9:45 a.m., Boswell will present “Holistic Design for Tall Buildings,” featuring case studies that illustrate approaches and experiences aimed at a holistic design process for high rises, which combine visual composition and performance principles in an innovative and constructible manner.

From 4:00-4:30 p.m., Sarkisian will deliver the lecture “Optimizing Tall Buildings And Cities For The Future,” highlighting how the engineering and architectural community has begun to develop new ideas that will help mitigate negative impacts on the environment. He will focus on new building system concepts that consider theories of morphology, self-reflection, and rheology which affect the individual and collective performance of structures within a broader ecological context. 

SOM Project Management Associate John Zheng will serve as the chair of the afternoon session and an interpreter for the day’s panel discussions.

The Second Sino-U.S. Symposium on Tall Buildings

November 4, 2015
8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

College of Civil Engineering
Tongji University