
Adam Semel Discusses Downtown Revitalization at the Chicago Architecture Center’s Spring Exhibition

Adam Semel Discusses Downtown Revitalization at the Chicago Architecture Center’s Spring Exhibition

The Chicago Architecture Center’s latest showcase, “Loop as Lab,” illuminates the city’s downtown as a dynamic space where Chicagoans have overcome social and economic challenges through bold architectural experiments and innovative solutions. By delving into local ingenuity and civic engagement, the exhibits encourage visitors to reflect on the city’s existing building stock, habitation patterns, relationship to nature, and the public realm.

Adam Semel Discusses Downtown Revitalization at the Chicago Architecture Center’s Spring Exhibition

Featuring opening remarks from CAC President Eleanor Gorski and Board Member Gia Biagi, the exhibition launch offered expert insights into the future of downtown. The panel discussion, moderated by Crain’s Chicago Business Reporter Rachel Herzdog, featured perspectives from SOM Partner Adam Semel, Executive Director of Holsten Human Capital Development Jackie Holsten, and Chicago’s Deputy Commissioner Cindy Chan Roubik.

Open to the public until October, “Loop as Lab” presents a diverse array of projects and thought-provoking design concepts centered around four main themes: Reside, Renew, Reconnect, and Rewild. Each theme, explored through case studies by leading designers and developers, investigates issues of downtown living, adaptive reuse of buildings, urban connectivity, and the incorporation of green spaces. Noteworthy exhibits include SOM-designed projects such as the Wild Mile, State/Lake Elevated Station, and the residences at 400 Lake Shore.